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Kenya has long been on the list of top destinations to visit in Africa . offers the best selection of holiday homes in Kenya to fit your travel budget & preferences. With 47 different regions, Kenya offers its visitors a great diversity of beautiful landscapes as well as a vibrant culture and lifestyle

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Earn up to KSH100,000 /month hosting your home in with us

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How to travel on a budget around the world

Likizo has increased our booking requests 10 times more than our older website. Thank you for the amazing work!
Jay Simon happy owner
With Likizo I can run my business without worries. Clients can browse our site easily and requests are coming every day.
Tania Smith happy client
Likizo has always been my first choice when it comes to online vacation homes booking. their service is simple and swift. Most flexible payment options.
Gina Roscoe happy client

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How to travel on a budget around the world